Curing Serana of her vampirism is a little complicated, so be sure to take care (also, it’s important to note that there are, of course,spoilers ahead). The first thing you need to make sure of is that youside with Fort Dawnguard during the Dawnguard questline(check out ourSkyrim cur...
If your vampirism is in full effect, either by you having left it more than three in-game days after contracting Sanguinare Vampiris, or if you were infected by Lord Harkon orSkyrim Serana, then curing yourself becomes a bit more tricky. However, by following these steps, you’ll be fr...
Any character that is a werewolf will be cured of lycanthropy by becoming a vampire. Curing vampirism can be difficult and time-consuming. Save your game before becoming a vampire. You Might Also Like How toJoin the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion How toJoin the Dawnguard in Skyrim 24 Clever ...