One of the best Thief and Assassin armor sets in Skyrim, the Ancient Shrouded Armor set, cannot be overlooked. The buffs you get for wearing the whole armor set make you a complete assassin. When the complete set is worn, you are given a +25 in your armor rating. Along with the indiv...
Discover the best Skyrim mods to enhance gameplay. Browse categories, download for free, and customize your Skyrim Special Edition experience.
s no secret that modding communities are the unsung heroes of the gaming community. Every time we turn around, there's another incredible story of modders shaping the future of gaming. Take The Stanley Parable, which started life as a Half-Life 2 mod, or Enderal sweeping up the Best Fan ...
Complete “A Daedra’s Best Friend” Quest to get this item and achieve +10 Speech/+5 Magicka Regen/+20% Prices. Gloves of the Pugilist Location. Riften It can be found in the Ratway also resulting in +10 Unarmed. Thieves Guild Armor,Boots,Gloves,Hood Location. Ragged Flagon in Riften....
The Mirror A story about the best defensive fighter and his greatest opponent. 0001AFDE The Monomyth A book containing the known information on the origins of Mundus and its creators, as well as various world creation myths from multiple cultures. 0001B26E The Night Mother's Truth A ...
25 Best Skyrim Romance Mods You can find a mod for just about anything in Skyrim. These romance mods add a new element to the game. 1 This is where the Unmarked Locations Pack comes into the picture, adding fifty unique areas all around the world for players to explore. Players who have...
Compatible with OBIS (the best bandit overhaul mod below). Fashions of The Huntsmen Have you noticed that every leather armor in skyrim looks the same? Of course you did, and this mod aims to change that, by adding 9 (15 if you count all variations) new lore-friendly leather armor ...
GS News Update: Quake Champions, Dishonored 2, and All the Best News From the Bethesda Press Conference Check out the most exciting news from the E3 2016 press conference. Bethesda showed off a reboot of Prey, a new Elder Scrolls Online expansion, and Skyrim Special Edition. ...
lvl 37 Khajit archer/assassin/jack of all trades here, roughly ~56h into the game. My main skills, archery, one handed, light armor, smithing are around 80-85, enchanting, sneak, block, lockpick, speech around 65-70. 25 dragon souls collected so far. I also just joined the dark broth...
The elven people of Valenwood, Bosmers (more commonly known as wood elves), prefer a simple existence, living in harmony with the natural environment around them. They have the ability to command wild creatures for a short period of time, and are known to be the best archers in all of ...