A script-free total recalibration of Skyrim's detection formula, which improves the balanced and realism of sneaking. Enemies will have enhanced sight and hearing abilities, and will search longer when alerted. Represents over 350 hours of meticulous research and optimization work. Share Requirements...
SkyRealism – Encumbrance [SKSE] 硬派障碍mod – 速度由负重影响。 汉化(需要本体) Increased Carry Weight from Stamina 提升由耐力获得的负重(可调节初始重量)。 汉化(需要本体) DFB Carry Weight Per Stamina 每获得耐力1点,负重提升1-20(由玩家选择)。 汉化(需要本体) Realistic Carry Weight 依据种族不同,...
Survival and Realism On the flip side, you have to appropriately react to Skyrim's environment. The core of this, of course, is Campfire and Frostfall. Along with some more resource-adding mods (notably, Tentapalooza), these mods add a complete cold-weather survival system to Skyrim. Your...
adorion1981, aexilkv, Alex H., AlphaGhost47, ambo, Ananta, annakins, Atlas, Blade, BlueBeagle, Bubborus, Chef Nicnaq, Danimals, derbaer, derkaenaz, DevZan, Don Maker, doombot117, E2J, Elendil, EnragedHamster, FalseRealism, Felivath, Forsaken Jing, freshr, FutureWorld, Gous, Greml...
arrow you wish to duplicate simply steal there equipped arrows (wait until their asleep) and then equip that character with one of any arrow of your own by placing it on them. They then shoot that 1 arrow continually. If they stop shooting simply wait one hour and they will begin to ...
Duel - Combat Realism - Raise the IQ of your opponents a little!Immersive HUD - iHUD - Sometimes the most immersion breaking thing is that HUD!SkyUI - The way a PC game should look, unless you like the console feel.Categorized Favorites Menu - Because after about 1hr of play you know...