player.additem ItemID # - Replace ItemID with the item you want to add to your inventory, and # with the amount of that item to add. A list of ItemIDs is here. unlock - Point at a door or chest then use this code to unlock it. World Skyrim console commands and cheats (Image cr...
Weight (how much will this item weigh in a character's inventory) Gold Value (how much is the sell value for this item - the actual amount will vary based on vendor and perks) Manipulate and apply enchantments to weapons! Fire Damage Frost Damage Shock Damage Soul Absorb Remove Enchantment...
The key, needs always to be added! Multiple strings need to be separated by ,Example:attackDataToChange=key=attackStart~damagemult=0~setFlags=powerattack=ignoreweaponAttackData optionsdamagemultattackchanceattackspell - Spell item, null will remove the spellnullattackanglestrikeanglestaggeroffsetattack...
Transgender Player/NPC forms by bigshot103 (NSFW & WIP) If you know of any mods to add to this list, either hosted here at the Nexus or elsewhere, please send them my way and I'll do my best to keep this maintained and updated!
NPC's visual appearances were slightly changed, to look better, while I prefer a more realistic approach and enjoy NPCs ugly, I think that I went too far, they are more beautiful and romanceable now. On the topic of romance, OStim addons were changed to make it more consistent, as def...
Then, put the item back into your inventory. Leave the location of the mannequin, and go to a different area (for example, exit a house), then return to the mannequin to find the item still on the mannequin, which you can then take. Repeat this as many...
Vex also offer an unlimited number of radiant quests, known as “Jobs.” The target item and location for each job are randomly generated within Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude, and Riften. You can accept or decline these jobs. The reward for each mission ranges from 50 to 800 gold...
Item vore Add size gain Add dragon soul on digestion (look into dragon quest) Sounds (plugin) Fixed Talk to prey/pred Dialogue plugin (fully supported) Papyrus API Player as Prey Basic reformation Inventory vore (not for player, also items may disappear on release. Will fix when adding anima...
COCFast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown tfcFreeflying camera player.additem [ItemNumber] #Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a) help “NPC Name” 4Gives the ID for the companion or NPC player.modav burden #Increase Burden by # ...
Followers can be used to carry almost any item, either via the inventory menu or picking up world items. However, they also have an unspecified weight limit, which restricts how much they can carry. In the inventory menu, items that would over-encumber them appear grayed out. Quest-related...