SkyRC's B6neo: The Next-Gen Compact Charger. This successor to the iconic iMax B6, smaller than a credit card, offers a sleek design and powerful performance. With up to 200W charging on DC and 80W via USB PD, the B6neo outshines its predecessor's 50W li
SKYRC新款B6neo迷你智能锂电池平衡充电使用教程 设置说明 RC遥控模型 RCROOM 模玩工坊 2529 0 00:41 App hota新品智能平衡充hota t6上手 8153 3 06:15 App SKYRC B6neo充电器使用 4418 2 04:11 App B6NEO充电器使用教程 4.4万 163 15:55 App rc航模充电器选哪个?热门充电器对比评测 哪个好? hota d6+...
Original SkyRC B6 neo Lipo Battery Balance charger AC 80w DC 200W Multi-Function Smart PD PCH-150 charging Dock SkyRC's legendary iMax B6 charger was an iconic charger back in 2006, and now we are proud to introduce the next-generation B6neo. Almost 1/4 the size of its predecessor, ...
The SKYRC B6neo, with its compact size that is approximately one-fourth that of the iMax B6 charger and smaller than a credit card, still manages to deliver a remarkable performance. Unlike the rugged aluminum casing of the B6, the B6neo boasts an elegant appearance with sleek plastic cases...
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#rc遥控车 #充电器 #模型 #模型电池 SKYRC B6ACneo新款迷你充电器 操作介绍 - 自由一族模型于20240323发布在抖音,已经收获了3.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
SkyRC的neo系列充电器是充电与创新的结合,每一次充电都是性能、可靠性和速度的确幸。 智能“聪”电,欲速则达。 动力不输颜值 neo系列充电器功能卓著,采用专有的整流电路,将直流安全有效地输出。 板载的MCU精确控制充电过程,使功率损失最小化;采用同步整流电路,高效率、低功耗、更佳的热性能,输出电流更高,产品更...
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nano 和neo[吃瓜][吃瓜][吃瓜]B6 nano之前咸鱼买的、北京航模展特意去看的SKYRC展台、开售马上就买了...
SKYRC B6neo Smart Charger DC 200W PD 80W LiPo Battery Balance Charger Discharger 4.8 19 ReviewsColor: Grey 1.1Product sellpoints shell material:ABS Size:70*50*32mm Weight:82g Charger power: DC:200w PD:Max.80W(20V,5A) Discharge power: Max.24w based on 6S(4.2V/S)Customer...