Android 版 Skype for BusinessiPad 版 Skype for BusinessiPhone 版 Skype for BusinessWindows Phone 版 Skype for Business Skype for Business 应用将 Skype for Business 状态、即时消息 (即时消息) 以及语音和视频呼叫引入移动设备。 重要:若要 Skype for Business...
如果你有在下班时间使用 Skype 与朋友和家人保持联系,你将对移动设备版 Skype for Business 的强大和易用性赞不绝口。你可以使用现有设备轻松找到同事并与其联系,还可以通过企业级的安全平台开展业务。 iOSAndroidWindows Phone 新的外观和体验 如果你是 Skype 消费者版的常规用户,你应该很熟悉 Android 版 S...
Skype for Business Online is the cloud-based version of Skype for Business Server and is part of the Microsoft 365 cloud service.
You should plan and align the upgrade to the Teams user interface on the phone to coincide with the migration of the user or common area phone to Teams.For IP phones certified for Skype for Business, the Skype for Business phones support a limited number of core fun...
If you have Teams-capable phones, consult your vendor for recommendations on upgrading the existing Skype for Business compatible firmware to Teams native firmware. You should plan and align the upgrade to the Teams user interface on the phone to coincide with the migration of...
Skype for Business Online is the cloud-based version of Skype for Business Server and is part of the Microsoft 365 cloud service.
3PIP phones from AudioCodes, Polycom and Yealink with Skype for Business firmware do not work properly when answering a call queue in Teams. the phone will start ringing and looks to be calling back to the calling number then hangs up and the call goes...
Skype for Business Online is the cloud-based version of Skype for Business Server and is part of the Microsoft 365 cloud service.
每个通过 Skype for Business 认证的电话固件都上传到 Skype for Business 更新服务器,并且默认情况下在所有电话上启用设备更新。 根据电话的非活动时间和轮训间隔,电话将自动下载并安装最新认证的内部版本。 可以使用Set-CsIPPhonePolicycmdlet 并将EnableDeviceUpdate...
[!注释] 你为本地部署设置的 Lync Phone Edition (LPE) 电话必须加以更新,以符合最低或最新的必要固件要求,之后才能将这些用户转移到 Skype for Business Online。 如果在更新电话上的固件之前将用户从本地部署迁移到 Skype for Business Online,这些电话将无...