If you are an admin, you can find detailed instructions for setting up Skype for Business Online features in Set up Skype for Business Online.Clients for Skype for Business OnlineImportant The clients that are supported in Skype for Business Online are licensed separ...
directly from Office 365. Users who are assigned phone numbers can make voice calls across all Skype for Business devices, including VoIP phones, PCs, and mobile devices. They also can control their calls through mute/unmute, hold/resume, call transfers, and call forwarding features, and ...
directly from Office 365. Users who are assigned phone numbers can make voice calls across all Skype for Business devices, including VoIP phones, PCs, and mobile devices. They also can control their calls through mute/unmute, hold/resume, call transfers, and call forwarding features, and if ne...
If you are an admin, you can find detailed instructions for setting up Skype for Business Online features in Set up Skype for Business Online.Clients for Skype for Business OnlineDůležité The clients that are supported in Skype for Business Online are licens...
Skype for Business Online Plan 2 retired from sale on July 1, 2019. This means that you will no longer be able to acquire Skype for Business Online Plan 2 for instant messaging, presence, meetings, and peer-to-peer voice and video. These features will continue to be supported in all pla...
Skype for Business is used by organizations to enable their employees to collaborate, meet, and share. Skype users can connect with Skype for Business users but aren't able to use the following Skype for Business features: Skype for Business meetings or conferencing services ...
If you are an admin, you can find detailed instructions for setting up Skype for Business Online features in Set up Skype for Business Online.Clients for Skype for Business OnlineВажно The clients that are supported in Skype for Business Online are licensed ...
New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster,join the Office Insider program. For keyboard shortcuts, go toKeyboard shortcuts in Skype ...
Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013, for Android extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favorite mobile device: voice & video over wireless, rich presence, instant messaging, conferencing, and calling features from a single, easy-to-use interface
Manage Skype for Business settings for individual users As an admin, the Microsoft Teams admin center is where you manage Skype for Business features for Skype for Business users in your organization. You can manage settingsfor your organizationon theSkype for Businesspage and settingsfor individual...