2021 年 7 月 31 日,将结束生命周期计划,将 Skype for Business 与第三方音频会议提供商 (第三方 ACP) 集成。
Since Skype for Business end of life is nearing soon, you should know which options to opt for Teams. If you are on Skype already, chances are that you’d already have an O365 license. You are halfway through in your journey towardsCalling in TeamsorTeams Direct Routing. Microsoft has ...
Skype for Business Online - End of Life - July 31, 2021 ShellyAvery MicrosoftJul 30, 2019 Today Microsoft announced that Skype for Business Online will be retiring on July 31, 2021. Though we didn’t know the exact date until today, we have been prep...
Skype for Business Online – End of Life – July 31, 2021 We understand changes like this may cause some inconvenience, but we are confident it will ensure more secure, reliable, and performant experiences for our customers. Thank you in advance for updating and opening your apps to a wide...
Find troubleshooting and support resources for IT Professionals and admins. For other audiences Developers Guidance for developing solutions for Skype for Business. End users Find help, training, and technical support for Skype for Business users on support.office.com....
If you already use Skype to stay in touch with friends and family in your life away from work, you'll appreciate the power and simplicity of Skype for Business where it's easy to find and connect with co-workers. And you can use the devices you already have to reach businesses through...
You implement the Skype for Business Server 2015 Front-End pools with the proxy and without a direct access to the Internet. You set up the Skype for Business Server OAuth configuration settings (-ExchangeAutodiscoverUrl-) pointing to you...
Skype for Business 2016 64 位版本 中存在一个安全漏洞,当用户打开一个被恶意修改的文件时,该漏洞可能允许运行任意代码。此更新可解决该漏洞。
自2023 年 4 月以后,将没有扩展对本文中所列任何产品的支持的选项。 为使客户能够计划和实现成功升级,Microsoft 提供了以下资源: 对于尚未准备好升级到云的设备,Microsoft 最近推出了Office LTSC(长期服务频道)- 专为无法接受功能更新或未连接到 Internet 的设备设计。
Also note that support for third party audio conferencing providers [ACP] is scheduled for end of life on April 1, 2019, as previously announced. When you enable or disable audio conferencing for a user. When you change ...