Make sure your contacts are available by checking their present status first. Then follow the steps below to invite them to the conference call. In the Skype for Business main window, in your Contacts list, hold down the Ctrl key and click the names of your contacts to sele...
From the Skype for Business home screen, select the Contacts tile, and lightly swipe downwards or right-click each contact you want in the conference call. SelectCallfrom the app commands that display automatically. Your invitation will display on your contacts’ devices and they’ll...
During a Skype for Business conference call, the presenter is the attendee who has full control over the ongoing conference. The presenter can not only share content (such as presentations and their computer desktop) with all those in attendance, but also record the call, change preferences and ...
All done setting up? Getting started using Skype for BusinessSkype for Business training: Check out this list of training topics to help you get started quickly!Start a Skype for Business conference callSet Video Device options in Skype for Business...
Skype for Business允许您利用各种商业功能进行商务会议。它具有Office集成、专业协作和会议、多设备会议、简单和安全的账户管理、群组即时通讯,以及与当今通信技术的兼容性。该平台允许多达250人的在线会议、聊天、通话或视频。skype的免费版本还允许与多达25个用户进行音频和视频会议。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称...
下载Skype到您的电脑/手机或者平板电脑,可以使用免费的Skype通话,即时聊天和视频聊天。 下载Skype Skype至Skype通话 无论您身在何处,都可以与Skype用户进行免费畅聊。 了解更多Skype至Skype通话 拨打座机和手机 低廉的费率拨打全球的手机和座机。 了解更多拨打座机和手机 语言...
The Test-CsAVConference cmdlet is an example of a "synthetic transaction." Synthetic transactions are used in Skype for Business Server to verify that users are able to successfully complete common tasks such as logging on to the system, exchan
The Test-CsASConference cmdlet verifies that a pair of test users can participate in an online conference that includes application sharing. To do this, the cmdlet registers the two users with Skype for Business Server and then it uses one of the user ac
The Test-CsAVConference cmdlet is an example of a "synthetic transaction." Synthetic transactions are used in Skype for Business Server to verify that users are able to successfully complete common tasks such as logging on to the system, exchan
The Test-CsAVConference cmdlet is an example of a "synthetic transaction." Synthetic transactions are used in Skype for Business Server to verify that users are able to successfully complete common tasks such as logging on to the system, exchanging instant messages, or making calls to a phone ...