斯凯杰科(Skyjack) SJ16 自行柱式垂直升降高空作业平台技术参数 尺寸 SJ16 A 工作高度 21’7” (6.58 m) B 起升后的平台高度 15’7” (4.75 m) C 收藏后的平台高度 18” (0.45 m) D 总宽度 30.5” (0.77 m) E 总长度 54” (1.37 m) F 收藏高度 70.3” (1.79 m) G 平台...
Skyjack vertical mast lifts offer an easy to service, low maintenance design in a compact and versatile package. These are zero emission, compact machines with low floor loading have the ability to go on elevators, making them ideal for multi-level job sites. ...
黄总谈到"SJ16非常容易维护,总体拥有成本较低且可以满足在狭小的空间使用,这一点非常适合台湾地区的特点和应用领域。 擎亿股份有限公司从2012年开始和斯凯杰科(Skyjack)开始合作。“我们很荣幸和擎亿合作了近10年之久”斯凯杰科(Skyjack)亚洲区商务发展总监柯西门提到“擎亿是一家在设备销售和租赁行业领域非常有...
The scissor lift wheel 16x5 is a crucial component for the SCISSOR LIFT SKYJACK SJ4740. This specific wheel is designed to provide optimal performance, durability, and safety for the lift. The 16x5 size of the wheel ensures stability and balance while the scissor l...
Product Description Features: The scissor lift wheel 16x5 is a crucial component for the SCISSOR LIFT SKYJACK SJ4740. This specific wheel is designed to provide optimal performance, durability, and safety for the lift. The 16x5 size of the wheel ensures stability and bal...
The scissor lift wheel 16x5 is a crucial component for the SCISSOR LIFT SKYJACK SJ4740. This specific wheel is designed to provide optimal performance, durability, and safety for the lift. The 16x5 size of the wheel ensures stability and balance while the scissor lift is in o...
Features: The scissor lift wheel 16x5 is a crucial component for the SCISSOR LIFT SKYJACK SJ4740. This specific wheel is designed to provide optimal performance, durability, and safety for the lift. The 16x5 size of the wheel ensures stability and balance while the scissor...
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概述 规格 附件和备用件 文档 SJ20 E 变得更简单 Skyjack新一代自行柱式垂直升降高空作业平台可实现 静音操作和零排放,功能强大。 凭借新型桅杆设计、交流电机驱动、可在平台处于 最大高度时行驶的性能以及更少的液压接头,SJ12 E、SJ16 E和SJ20 E的续航时间得到了进一步的提升。 ECO 租赁公司和主要承包商面临着...