Skydive Dubai - Tandem Skydive - The Palm Drop Zone Get ready for the thrill of a lifetime! Head to Skydive Dubai to experience the unmatched sensation of a freefall as you jump out of a plane with an experienced instructor and take in the exceptional views over Palm Jumeirah. Please revie...
You can get to Skydive Dubai using the below transportation options: Dubai Metro & Tram:The fastest way is to board the metro's Red Line and get off at the Sobha Realty metro station. Make your way to the nearby tram station Dubai Marina 1. From here, take the tram to Jumeirah Beach...
Inflight Dubai is that the best indoor skydiving place in Dubai, UAE! experience the joys of best indoor skydiving at Inflight Dubai. it's safe for kids & family.
Skydive Dubai是迪拜顶级跳伞体验机构之一,以专业服务、绝佳跳伞地点和多样化的项目选择吸引全球冒险爱好者。其核心特色包括双人跳伞
地址 Al Seyahi St - Dubai Marina - Dubai - 阿拉伯联合酋长国 开放时间 今日已闭园;明日07:00-13:30开放 官方电话 +971-4-3778888 信息纠错 扫码前往微信小程序,查看相关商品,开启便捷之旅! 微信小程序 介绍 ▴在迪拜,体验世界上刺激的游乐项目之一——高空跳伞。迪拜的棕榈岛跳伞区,是全球美的跳...
Skydive Dubai高空跳伞体验تجربة القفز بالمظلات في دبي سكاي دايف 6.8 热度 5分 11条点评 今日07:00-13:30开放 实用攻略 Al Seyahi St - Dubai Marina - Dubai - 阿拉伯联合酋长国达人笔记 迪拜跳伞🪂...
Skydive Dubai高空跳伞体验0 Skydive Dubai高空跳伞体验تجربة القفز بالمظلات في دبي سكاي دايف 6.8 热度 5分 11条点评 开园中 07:00-13:30开放 实用攻略 Al Seyahi St - Dubai Marina - Dubai - 阿拉伯...
2. Check in :带好护照,打车直接定位sky dive dubai ,进去了先在门口自助机签保险,然后就右转去前台check in,之后等待蜂鸣器叫号即可。到号了教练会来给讲要领,很简单,然后加了拍摄的人会有一个简短采访,跟着流程走就好,从到店到全部结束基本在1个半小时以内。 ✨两个拍摄套餐:💰100迪拉姆是视频剪辑,💰...
景点ID 4397802 1/1张 Skydive Dubai高空跳伞 景点地址 Al Seyahi St - Dubai Marina - Dubai - 阿拉伯联合酋长国 地图 开放时间 全年08:00-14:30开放 系统升级,敬请期待 —您可选择途牛APP或门票小程序下单— 扫描下载途牛APP 扫描进入门票小程序
Skydive Dubaialso has a skydiving school on site, so visitors who find that they want to try skydiving on their own or who are looking to experience non-tandem skydiving excursions can learn to skydive here. Qualified skydiving professionals will pass on all t...