The recipe for the helmet was the same as the leggings, making them unobtainable by players without a rank, as the leggings could only be obtained by using the quick crafting feature. When the set was fully released with the 0.12 update, existing Flamebreaker Armor pieces were changed to Emb...
Distillates are used to craft Inferno Minion Fuel. Magma Cream Ingredients Crafting Recipe 6x Magma Cream Distillate 2x Inferno Fuel Block 1x Fuel Gabagool or 1x Heavy Gabagool or 1x Hypergolic Gabagool Blaze Rod Ingredients Crafting Recipe 6x Blaze Rod Distillate 2x Inferno Fuel Block 1x...
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...
Crafting Requirements Sugar CaneVIII 48xEnchanted Sugar Cane 666 66 666 Enchanted Sugar Daysⓘto acquire15,468xSugar Caneusing aSugar Cane Minion (By tier, No fuel, No Minion Upgrades) If the player has multiple minions, divide the number of days by how many minions will be used. ...
Perfect Armor is a tiered RARE-LEGENDARY Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). Perfect Armor can be turned into Dungeon armor using Diamond Essence. All tiers of Perfect Armor require the same amount of Essence. Upgrading each pi
CraftingRecipe BrewingIngredient NameRequirementsIngredientsBrewingrecipe Knockback I PotionSlimeballIV1xEnchanted Gold Block 3xAwkward Potion History v·d·eSlimeball Collection Slime Minion Slime Hat Knockback Potion Enchanted Slimeball Launch Pad Enchanted Slime Block ...
is aitem in thecategory. v·d·eDiamond Collection Diamond Minion Portal to the Deep Caverns Enchanted Diamond Diamond Spreading Hardened Diamond Armor Enchanted Diamond Block Perfect Armor v·d·eCollections Farming Wheat Carrot Potato Pumpkin
Theis ameant to be used against. It is an upgraded version of the. EPIC Adaptive Blade Arack Aspect of the Void Bone Reaver Crypt Witherlord Sword Earth Shard Ember Rod Emerald Blade End Stone Sword Enrager Fel Sword Fire Freeze Staff ...
The Enchanted Emerald is an UNCOMMON enchanted material crafted from 160 Emeralds. The Crafting Recipe is unlocked at Emerald IV. Requires 160 Emeralds in total