Today we are releasing the next major patch of SkyBlock which includes a new form of progression along with many balancing and QoL changes!今天我们发布了skyblock的下一个大版本更新,带来了一种新形式的进度系统以及许多平衡性改动► SkyBlock LevelingSkyblock等级Today, we are tying up the multiple ...
5星地牢物品,直接搞hyper cleaver,9金精粹就能满,在后面水晶矿洞任务里开箱拿精粹就行了 t4药水,搞瓶速度药水,然后放npc买的萤石粉 召唤arachne 击杀固定刷新点位的守卫者,4个碎片召唤 puzzler的任务使用mod直接过,在矮人皇宫左边 25小人几个简单的就行了 aote,这个一定要每天去酿药师买烈焰粉,或者去刷bal的小...
This modpack also features a quest book which will guide you through the modpack and progression. All these and many more custom recipes to make the skyblock life easier. Innovative Hammer Progression Due to how easy it is to obtain Gravel, Sand and Dust, as well as how there is no use...
SkyBlock Leveling Skyblock等级 Today, we are tying up the multiple forms of denoting progression into a centralized system: SkyBlock Levels. Now, everyone will have a level that shows the progression they have in the game. 今天我们尝试将各种形式的进程转化为一个具体的集中计 +2 分享3120 hypixel...
SkyBlock Leveling Skyblock等级 Today, we are tying up the multiple forms of denoting progression into a centralized system: SkyBlock Levels. Now, everyone will have a level that shows the progression they have in the game. 今天我们尝试将各种形式的进程转化为一个具体的集中计 +2 分享3120 hypixel...