The atmosphere in the room became more serious but the court seemed relieved. Rumors were spreading in the Kingdom concerning the living corpse found in the crypts, and after the tragedy in the facility, people's mindsets started to worsen. General Dan would lead the expedition, accompanied by...
Hypixel SkyBlock, a Minecraft game, is a very interesting new take on the Minecraft experience. With crazy new features, an economy (even a rip-off stock market), custom armor, weapons, abilities, bosses, and more! It's revolutionized the Minecraft exper
Necron's heart was beating so fast he could hear the palpitations. As he walked inside of the barrier, he was prudent in his actions, whether it be checking for magical traps or guards stationed on the inside. But once again, there was nothing. Maybe he was being too careful, whatever ...
SkyHanni: Mod for Hypixel SkyBlock What it does SkyHanni is a Forge mod for Minecraft 1.8.9 that adds many useful features toHypixel SkyBlock. With SkyHanni you have access to: Helpful GUIs:View important information at a glance. Extra Chat Messages:Receive reminders and tips at the right ...
【Minecraft】Hypixel Skyblock地牢剧情 · 其二 接其一 第九本 · The Wall 绝望之墙 SB历1531年 概要: 和上一篇差不多,不过是以另一名士兵的视角,而且更加详细。笔记的主人同样选择了逃离,但是被前文提到的移动的墙所围困,最终疯掉并死于饥饿。 译文:...
本文章是对于Hypixel Skyblock中dungeon journal的翻译,仅供交流使用,不代表官方立场和原意。这一个翻译并不是逐字逐句翻译,会偏向意译一点,同时可能存在错误,欢迎大家指出。在翻译时为了确保交流方便(我觉得音译和意译都或多或少有点问题),诸如人名和特殊地名我会直接以英文原文给出,也请大家见谅。
本文章是对于Hypixel Skyblock中dungeon journal的翻译,仅供交流使用,不代表官方立场和原意。这一个翻译并不是逐字逐句翻译,会偏向意译一点,同时可能存在错误,欢迎大家指出。在翻译时为了确保交流方便(我觉得音译和意译都或多或少有点问题),诸如人名和特殊地名我会直接以英文原文给出,也请大家见谅。
本文章是对于Hypixel Skyblock中dungeon journal的翻译,仅供交流使用,不代表官方立场和原意。这一个翻译并不是逐字逐句翻译,会偏向意译一点,同时可能存在错误,欢迎大家指出。在翻译时为了确保交流方便(我觉得音译和意译都或多或少有点问题),诸如人名和特殊地名我会直接以英文原文给出,也请大家见谅。
【Minecraft】Hypixel Skyblock地牢剧情 · 其一单机游戏 5-12 某日,一名叫卡莱尔的少女偶然发现了一处地下墓穴。在那里,出现了只有史料中记载过的生物——僵尸。前去调查的远征军也已全军覆没...百年后的我们,是否能够揭开地下墓穴的真实面貌,破坏凋灵君主Kaeman的阴谋?亦或是...重蹈覆辙? 官方在地牢实装时就已经...
Whoever was left from the expedition started running in total disarray. I followed Solomon, who turned just in time to create a magic barrier, protecting us from more of those demonic spells. I don't know what happened to Solomon, my only concern was with getting as far away as possible....