AH价格:50m(不一定准确) 后期:巨人剑(Giant Sword)★★★ 巨人剑拥有极高的伤害。这把剑的技能也很有用,它的技能有半径8格的范围攻击,提高了LCM的清房速度。 武器数值 500伤害 100000魔法伤害 耗蓝100 要求完成F6 AH价格:200m 毕业:亥伯龙神剑★★★ 这把剑RCM和LCM都可以使用,因为它有高额的基础伤害,...
Giant's Sword 巨人之剑 伤害+500 地牢需求:通关F6 相关精粹:凋灵 五星总计:2325 武器能力:Giant's Slam 巨人猛击 将剑身猛地插入地面,对插入点周围4格内的怪物造成100,000点伤害。 法力消耗:100 冷却时间:30秒 智力平衡比:0.1 获得方式: F6奖励箱。 Necromancer Sword 巫师之剑 基础伤害 +250 力量+125 防御...
8. Giant Killer(巨人杀手)9. Impaling(刺击/穿刺)10. Lethality(破甲)11. Life Steal(生命偷取)12. Looting(抢夺)13. Luck(幸运/盔甲抢夺)14. Scavenger(搜刮)15. Sharpness(锋利)16. Telekinesis(远程拾取/心灵感应)17. Thunderlord(雷击/雷降)18. Vampirism(吸血鬼) Optional: 19. Bane of Arthropods(...
有时,也可能在购买时不小心被Dreadlord Sword取代。骗子骗术常用说辞:【Livid诈骗-不公平的交易】Selling Giant's Sword/Hyperion for 30M/100M!!visit me!!!「翻译:卖巨人剑(或Hype),只要30M(100M)!!快来我的岛!!!」此时骗子一般会给你先展示真正的交易道具,如一把具有UW5的Hype,随后开始交易,他会声称...
-The nether portal must be created near the giant chest. (Important) -Don't cheat (No gamemode 1, no client, no XRAY etc...) -Don't try escaping the Nether Objectives : -Explore everything : All 3 islands (Snow, main and jungle.) + 2 main islands in Nether and End ...
Giant's Sword _2130706433_ Ardddddda Shadow Assassin Helmet Keenmushroom02 TommyInnit Farming for Dummies SpoonThe2nd Shadow Assassin Chestplate Livid Dagger Swan7777 Spirit Sceptre Peetsteregag HHarry1 uwuSoum _NoNitro New Items Fenrir Wolf Skin ...
Livid Dagger, Shadow Fury, Flower of Truth, Giant's Sword, Titanium Drill DR-X455, Titanium Drill DR-X555, Topaz Drill KGR-12, Blaze Armor, Mastiff Armor, Perfect Armor, Shark Scale Armor, Superior Dragon Armor, Adaptive Armor, Shadow Assassin Armor, Necromancer Lord Armor, and Sorrow Arm...
贴吧用户_7ZGA3WJ 活跃吧友 4 livid,shadow furry,giant sword,dark clawmore 来自Android客户端5楼2023-03-17 23:35 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示4回复贴,共1页 <返回skyblock吧发表...
The room had giant water pipes landing into large pools. Proof that the sewers had connections with the Catacombs.The General said it was time for a break, so the group started to prepare for lunch. Solomon reiterated his wish to return to the Castle immediately. After a short debate, ...
钻石巨人挥动他那万千真理之剑(the Sword of 10,000 Truths,巨人剑的原型武器)攻击玩家,造成巨量伤害。 ②Giant's Slam 巨人碾击 钻石巨人投掷万千真理之剑,对落点处的玩家造成范围巨量伤害。 Bigfoot 大脚巨人 生命:25,000,000 技能: ①Default Attack 普攻 ...