于矮人矿洞水晶大门NPC处购买通行权限,花费10000硬币,开通一条2小时的道路,要求至少达到山心3,购买后可右键NPC召唤矿车驶入,或打开菜单点击右上角矿车进入(此方法也可用于快速离开水晶矿洞),以及使用指令/warp ch进入(需要卷轴) 水晶矿洞入口 五大地形区与晶核 如图所示,晶核位于500 500处,下方为熔岩洞穴,四面为...
The Dragon's Egg Buy a Golden Dragon Egg from the dragon in the Crystal Hollows. 10 The End Race Complete the End Race in under 42 Seconds. 10 The Flash Reach a speed of 500%. 5 The Flint Bros! Find both Pat and Rick. 5 Secret Achievement: The Itsy Bitsy Spider Feed...
Crystal Hollows: Crystal Hollows Map: Shows players location in Crystal Hollows Highlights important waypoints in Crystal Hollows Crystal Hollows Waypoints: Shows waypoints for special locations Find locations in chat messages Share waypoints Metal detector helper Auto-detect waypoint from chat for exam...
Crystal Hollows Waypoints: Shows waypoints for special locations Find locations in chat messages Share waypoints Metal detector helper Auto-detect waypoint from chat for example when talking to king Nucleus waypoints Wishing compass helper Treasure Chest Highlighter ...
/crystals - Warps you to the Crystal Hollows. /gold - Warps you to the Gold Mine. /desert - Warps you to the Desert. /spider - Warps you to the Spiders Den. /barn - Warps you to the Barn. /end - Warps you to the End.
2. 我把武器/防具捐进去之后,还能对其进行改变吗( 分享83 hypixel吧 xkstarry 【Skyblock】新版本水晶洞窟稀有奖励领取及讲解(还是无图)本帖的一切以lz自己的经历为主,因没有记住所有的地名请各位吧友谅解 引言:水晶洞窟(Crystal Hollows)是skyblock中新增的地区,在矮人矿洞中进入,需要花费20k金币开启时间为2小时...
(Crystal Hollows)是skyblock中新增的地区,在矮人矿洞中进入,需要花费20k金币开启时间为2小时的通道 水晶洞窟中有5种常见群系:丛林;地精洞穴;失落遗迹;秘银储存区;岩浆平原 而根据hypixel官网的信息,如果集齐五种水晶就可以召唤神龙 阿呸,得到很稀有的奖励 目前奖励已知:一把仅能使用5000次的挖掘速度+1500,破坏等级...
Crystal Hollows Map: Shows players location in Crystal Hollows Highlights important waypoints in Crystal Hollows Crystal Hollows Waypoints: Shows waypoints for special locations Find locations in chat messages Share waypoints Metal detector helper Auto-detect waypoint from chat for example when talking ...