What is a good archer pet Comment ID : 4400000000000110203 A Fandom user·1/17/2022 Epic or legendary skeleton/leg wither skeleton if ur broke, but baby yeti would be best Reply ID : 4400000000000480837 A Fandom user·2/3/2022 Edrag be like :/ Reply ID : 4400000000000494210 A Fandom ...
[NPC] Frosty: It holds and fires Snowballs, which are the best way to extinguish the enemy! [NPC] Frosty: I can refill it at any time for a modest price. Also feel free to check out my shop upstairs! With Snow Cannon or Blaster [NPC] Frosty: Click me with a Snow Cannon, Snow...
bossbars slayer hud boss slain time personal best slain time boss and miniboss spawn alert mute enderman sounds slayer (mini)bosses highlighting glow effect slayer mob highlighting 🌱 garden features farming hud: counter crops/min coins/h blocks/s farming level farming xp/h yaw and pitch ...
Ender Armor is an EPIC Armor and Equipment set. It requires Combat XII (12) to use. Ender Armor has 4 Armor pieces and also has 4 Equipment pieces, to make it an 8 piece set. These are obtained in various ways: When wearing the full armor set, the playe
Type ArmorSet Rarity COMMON Collection MushroomIII Skill LevelRequirement FarmingVII (7) Stats Total Head Chest Legs Boots HP +55 (+165 at night) ❈ Def +15 (+45 at night) Upgrades ← PreviousNext → None Biohazard Armor Properties ...