The SKY55950-11 is a front-end module (FEM) with an integrated low-noise amplifier (LNA) and pre-filter and post-filter designed for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver applications. The SKY55950-11 is part of our Sky5® product portfoli
创芯为电子专业解决稀缺物料!主营嵌入式,存储器,电源管理(PMIC),接口,逻辑,数据采集,二三极管,传感器,国产eMMC…等上千万种电子元件!同时是射频前端(LNA + PA)厂家代理!射频和无线厂家代理!SKY55950-11原装现货供应!红外传感器厂家代理!差分放大电路厂家代理!保证原厂
The SKY55950-11 is a front-end module (FEM) with an integrated low-noise amplifier (LNA) and pre-filter and post-filter designed for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver applications. The SKY55950-11 is part of our Sky5® product portfoli