上映时间2005年07月29日(美国) 导 演迈克·米歇尔 又 名超人高校 超人学园 Sky High 编剧Paul Herna...Robert Sch... 主 演麦克尔·安格拉诺玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德库尔特·拉塞尔凯利·普雷斯顿丹妮尔·帕娜贝克 剧情 超人统帅和女飞侠是当今世界上最棒的超人夫妇,他们总会在危难时刻现身救民众于水深火热中。现实...
Sky High - Scuola di superpoteri: Regia di Mike Mitchell. Con Michael Angarano, Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston, Danielle Panabaker. In un mondo in cui i supereroi sono normali, il giovane William Stronghold, figlio di due eroi, tenta di trovare un equilibri
Sky High is a 2005 American superhero comedy film from Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed by Mike Mitchell and was written by Paul Hernandez, Robert Schooley, and Mark McCorkle. The Commander and Jetstream are two superheroes who live in a suburban li
The film is directed by Mike Mitchell, written by Paul Hernandez and Bob Schooley & Mark McCorkle. latest Features Sky High: Where the Cast is Today Sky High was a family superhero movie before the genre exploded. Let's look at where the cast is today. By Olivia Martello Jun ...
Sky High (2005) SDG Less than a month after Fox’s dumb, trashyFantastic Foursomehow passed itself off as a family-friendly superhero comedy comes Disney’sSky High, a film that actually fits the bill. Directed by Mike Mitchell. Michael Angarano, Danielle Panabaker, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, ...
英语翻译谁帮我把它翻译成英文 不要有语病哦.《超人高校》Sky High是迪斯尼2005年夏季所推出的电影,并不同于传统一般的超人英雄类电影,本片将超能力英雄的苦恼与困难借着一位少年超能者
英语翻译 谁帮我把它翻译成英文 不要有语病哦.《超人高校》Sky High是迪斯尼2005年夏季所推出的电影,并不同于传统一般的超人英雄类电影,本片将超能力英雄的苦恼
Stitches, also known under his civilian name Mr. Grayson, is the secondary antagonist in the 2005 superhero comedy film Sky High. He is the henchman of the legendary supervillainess Royal Pain who raised her after she got reduced into a literal baby after her first vengeful attempt of ...
The Sky High Original Soundtrack is, as the name suggests, the soundtrack album for the 2005 film, Sky High. It was released on July 26, 2005, and is composed of covers of songs from the 1980s. Over a decade later, the movie's score was released by Intra
This ranked poll of films with sky in the title includes movies like Vanilla Sky, Castle in the Sky, and Sky High. Don't forget that this list is interactive, meaning you can vote the film names up or down depending on much you liked each movie that has the word sky in it. Most ...