Sky High: Dirigido por Ryûhei Kitamura. Con Yumiko Shaku, Takao Osawa, Shôsuke Tanihara, Dorothy Elias-Fahn. A detective hunts a killer who is removing girls hearts. When his own fiancée falls victim to the killer, the detective discovers the othe
新增资料 | 资料纠错 | Sky High(2002) 英国 | 纪录 短片 暂未上映 不能评分 看过 4 片名Sky High 导演Anna Jones 又名Sky High 获奖 获奖1次 演职人员(6) Anna Jones 导演
Sky High 电影基本资料剧情简介 中文名:Sky High 英文名: 地区:英国 导演: Anna Jones 主演: 编剧: 制片: 上映日期:2002年 内地票房: 电影类型:纪录 短片 大家印象:
Sky High(2001– ) TV Series|30 min|Documentary Edit pageAdd to list Track Documentary which uses helicopter aerial footage to describe places of historical or tourist interest in the Central TV area (the Midlands of England), taking in everything from stately homes to steam trains, and nationa...
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1948 Doris Day - It's Magic 出自《Romance On The High Seas》公海上的罗曼史 03:45 1948 Woody Woodpecker 出自《Wet Blanket Policy》啄木鸟之歌 03:03 1948 Dinah Shore - Buttons And Bows 出自《The Paleface》脂粉雙槍俠 02:06 1948 Jo Stafford- This Is The Moment - 出自《That Lady in...
2.To hang (a painting, for example) high up on the wall, above the line of vision. v.intr.Sports To jump very high in order to make a play, as in getting a rebound in basketball. [Middle Englishski, from Old Norseskȳ,cloud; see(s)keu-inIndo-European roots.] ...
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