🌆 Sky Garden,位于伦敦金融城的“对讲机大厦”顶部,是全英国最高的公共花园,提供绝美的伦敦市区全景。这里不仅设有景观餐厅和酒吧,还有丰富的植物,是放松身心的好去处。 🎟️ 免费入场,但需提前预约。预约步骤如下: 通过谷歌搜索“Sky Garden Tickets”并点击第一个网址,或直接访问 skygarden.london/booking。
建议尽早预约,因为门票非常抢手,通常周二票就所剩无几了。 🔗 预约方式:访问skygarden.london/booking,下拉选择Individual Tickets下的GET TICKETS。注意,大陆地区IP可能会出现无法打开网页的情况。选择你要预约的张数和时间,按照提示操作即可。 🏢 进场方式:预约成功后,你会收到一封包含二维码的pdf门票邮件。进场时...
Yokohama Chinatown Gourmet Trip Tickets is a great deal that includes a one-day ticket for all Tokyu and Minatomirai lines and a meal ticket! Why not make a day of it and enjoy Yokohama Minatomirai to the fullest? Book your Yokohama Chinatown Gourmet Trip Tickets with Klook!
Sky Garden takes walk-ins but entry is not free. All walk-ins are subject to availability and capacity on the day. Early access ticketsare chargeable at the door at£9.50 per personand are inclusive of a hot beverage. Children under the age of 16 can enter for free. ...
Booked online for free in advance (be careful, tickets go on sale every Monday around 11:00 for the following 21 days), everyone really liked it.It is located on the 35th floor of the City's famous "Walkie-Talkie" skyscraper, and houses a lush garden with tables, bar and restaurant,...
你可以在Google上搜索【Sky Garden】,然后在官网上找到【Book a Free Ticket】。选择【Individual Tickets】,按日期选一个合适的时间,填写个人信息就可以了。如果你更喜欢在餐厅吃饭,也可以预约Darwin Brasserie,人均消费大约30英镑,性价比很高。⚠️ 提醒一下,一定要提前预约!因为Sky Garden非常受欢迎,尤其是疫情...
伦敦新宠Sky Garden,免费票! 🌍 Sky Garden is a must-visit attraction in London, despite being a newcomer to the city. It is recommended to book your tickets online at least two weeks in advance, as they are free and limited. Once inside, you can enjoy stunning views of the Tower Bridg...
⭐️独揽伦敦全景⭐️ | 最美视野🌆 | Sky Garden🌴空中花园 ‼️免费参观‼️ . 📍地址:Sky Garden, 20 Philpot Ln, London EC3M 8AF, UK 📍
Grey skygarden 門票 Cedar Knolls 所有日期 世界各地皆無您所搜尋的活動。 想要更好的門票建議嗎? 最近查看 已追蹤 追蹤 15 Danny Brown 已追蹤 追蹤 6 Weathers 已追蹤 追蹤 0 Elyse Black 已追蹤 追蹤 3 Maine Black Bears Football The Psychology of a Murderer...
伦敦Sky酒吧:甜腻夜景 打卡了伦敦最知名的Sky Garden酒吧,调酒的甜度真是让人难以忍受。糖浆沉在杯底,喝一口就像被甜度冲击波击中,甜得发腻。👍 推荐:可以在官网预定Public Access Tickets免费参观,上下两层360度俯瞰伦敦夜景,塔桥、圣保罗大教堂尽收眼底。氛围很好,有DJ和下班社畜组成的业余夜店气氛组。