Sky subscribes to Ofcom's Voluntary Code of Practice on broadband speeds. Prices listed not available with any other offer. UK, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man residential customers only. Further terms apply. Available to new broadband customers onlySuperfast 35: Part-fibre (FTTC / SoGEA)...
方法当然是有的,这个方法就是ECC(Error Correcting Code),ECC的具体实现原理详见痞子衡的另一篇文章汉明码校验(Hamming Code SEC-DED),在这里你只需要知道ECC是一种错误检测与纠正算法,它通过对一定量的数据块(一般是256/512bytes)进行计算得到ECC码(一般8bytes),在Page Program时将原始Page数据与ECC码一同存入NAN...
Gyroflow是一个应用程序,可以通过使用来自陀螺仪和可选的加速度计的运动数据来稳定您的视频。现代相机在内部记录运动数据(GoPro,Sony,Insta360等),这个应用程序通过使用这些数据稳定了捕获的镜头。它还可以使用来自外部源的陀螺数据(例如,从betaflight Blackbox)。
Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 2,229 Commits .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE Update issue templates Apr 27, 2022 3rd Update history for v1.8.0 release ...
Code README GPL-2.0 license yanu Yet Another NSP Updater forSkyline Consider starring 🌟 the project if it helped About Yanuis aNintendo SwitchROM updater designed to work with Skyline onAndroid w/Termux,Linux, andWindows, as well as other platforms with the help ofDocker images. It serves...
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form...
21 - anywhere - This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag 很多可能的因素会导致此状况,该状态码通常表明某个 xbe 运行了一个...
check paranneLers FBotiom Fluor1 and Toa Floor* onkICB anc TCBC 45 M C: Chk l_braka f4 U^asurad aurrert in hraks cd 1 does rwt maiflh ^Kpected Additional provi de5 irfsm^t on: see Appendix A, e = 1: Curert bjt not measured 5L acode e = 2: Mo c;urrefTt erpedea a...
http://localhost:8080/error/ok*/ @RequestMapping("/ok") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> noError() { //用Map容器返回信息 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("code ", 200); map.put("msg", "正常,这是测试页面"); ... ...