The Post, which is owned byAmazon.comco-founder Jeff Bezos, had drafted an endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris, Oliver Darcy reported on his newsletter Status. Top editorial page editors at the Los Angeles Timesresignedthis week after the newspaper’s owner, billionaire Patrick Soon-Shion...
I’m told that the spring season is on its way, though looking out my window as I type this, the snow and 11° F temperatures would say otherwise. That just means that I can enjoy the spring season in MMO and multiplayer games along with everyone else as th...
The neighboring ‘cousin’ tribe of the Maya were the Aztec and they had a different creation mythology that claimed the primordial gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl made the Earth from the bloodthirsty goddess Tlaltecutli, and then they transformed themselves into four cosmic trees, representing ...
— John (repeat1968) Buss (@repeat1968)July 25, 2023 7/26/2023- Target Letters#DonaldTrump#JackSmith#IndictmentWatch#January6th#Sedition — Clay Bennett (@BennettCartoons)July 25, 2023 the car man ys a genius hys genius will nevir go aw...