在2022 东京奥运会正式启动的几周前,discovery+ 推出纪录片《Reaching The Sky》,呈现今年参赛奥运的 13 岁女性滑手 Sky Brown 的成长历程。毫不介意成为滑板公园里唯一的女孩,也不认为小小年纪就不能 Dream Big,Sky Brown 身上强大的能量和感染力,让她在 Instagram 坐拥 135 万粉丝。她上板、腾空、转体,一切如...
Sky Brown是英日混血,父亲是英国人,母亲是日本人。13岁时,Sky Brown代表英国参加2020东京奥运会,赢得女子滑板公园项目铜牌。 Sky Brown在社交网络上广受关注,在Instagram上拥有130万粉丝。有媒体预测,Sky Brown是2024巴黎奥运会滑板项目金牌有力竞争者。今年夏天,Sky Brown赢得了X-Games滑板公园赛事冠军。 据报道,在...
$18 Terry Lee Brown Jr. Bohemian Life $15 Anthea & Celler Down With G.O.D. $40 16B Secrets $30 Various House For All Vol. 2 $8 Will Saul Featuring Ursula Rucker Tic Toc $14 Raw M.T. La Duna $80 Altitude Further BREAKBEAT / D'N'B / DUBSTEP / UKG / BASS See more $80 LTJ...
天空棕色耐克 SB Zoom Pogo Plus 發佈日期 Sky Brown x Nike SB Zoom Pogo Plus將於 2024 年夏季上架。該鞋在部分滑板店和 Nike.com 有售,男款售價 100 美元。每一步都是對多樣性和傳統的贊美。 Sky Brown 是耐克贊助的最年輕的滑板運動員,她的成長歷程體現了她的奉獻精神和天賦。她的多元文化背景為她的...
Instagram Love @maraisskyofficial The cutest dress ever!! Love it so much!! @caseybeaubrown Thank you again for the beautiful dress! I love your designs. @nickyhilton Marais Sky has the best for every flower princess, using handmade flower-lined bodices, flower-adorned straps, and extra pear...
the opening ceremony as her sport makes its Olympic debut (along with sport climbing, karate and surfing). Brown already has a doll made in her image and sponsors such as Nike. In June, she posted a video on Instagram (770,000-plus followers) of a frightful crash during a training ...
Put a frying pan on medium heat and add oil. Slice the onions and caramelise in the pan until golden brown. Beat the eggs in a bowl and then add the caramelised onions and your choice of flavoured crisps. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan. ...
ByFaye Brown, political reporter A back-up generator that could have kept Heathrow open was also affected by the fire that shut down the airport, Ed Miliband has revealed. The energy secretary told Sky News Breakfast withAnna Jonesthat it is "too early" to know what cau...
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