Sky Blue Color represents the infinite blue of the sky. Some homes use this color to paint the ceiling. It is also frequently used in interior architecture.
RGB 红(46%) 绿(84%) 蓝(92%) CMYK 青(50%) 洋紅(8%) 黄(0%) 黑(8%) RYB 红(46%) 黄(67%) 蓝(92%) CMY 青(54%) 洋紅(16%) 黄(8%) 天蓝色(Sky Blue) 的配色方案 互补色 (Complementary Color) 两种颜色位于色轮的相对两侧。 这种组合提供了高对比度和高冲击力的组合,看起来更亮、更...
Sky blue is a light shade of greenish-blue with the hex code #87CEEB, resembling the color of a clear, unclouded sky at noon. There are nearly as many variations on sky blue as there are vantages to look at the sky from.Sky Blue Color Codes CodeValueHTML/CSS Hex 87CEEB #87CEEB ...
SkyBlue:天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEEB RGB代码:135,206,235 LightSkyBlue 扮郑淡天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEFA RGB代码:135,206,250 DeepSkyBlue:深天蓝 Hex代码 :#00BFFF RGB代码:0,191,255 扩展资料:厅敏颂 上述代码所使用的的是颜色编码,以颜色作代码的视觉信息编码。若取颜色的色调作代码,同一编码...
SkyBlue:天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEEB RGB代码:135,206,235 LightSkyBlue 淡天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEFA RGB代码:135,206,250 DeepSkyBlue:深天蓝 Hex代码 :#00BFFF RGB代码:0,191,255
The color skyblue / Sky blue with hexadecimal color code #87ceeb is a medium light shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #87ceeb is composed of 52.94% red, 80.78% green and 92.16% blue. In the HSL color space #87ceeb has a hue of 197° (degrees), 71% saturation and 73% lightn...
Sky blue is a bright, energizing shade of blue-green that evokes the tranquility of a clear sky. Learn more about sky blue in this guide.
In a RGB color space, hex #00bfff (also known as Deep sky blue, Capri) is composed of 0% red, 74.9% green and 100% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 100% cyan, 25.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black. It has a hue angle of 195.1 degrees, a saturation...