Mounting Binoculars for AstronomyMounting Small BinocularsThe shake you get when hand-holding a binocular is not usually obtrusive on large objects (e.g. Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy), but is infuriating on double stars that test the binocular (e.g. Albireo or δ Cephei for a 10×50). ...
The latest news and photographs in space and astronomy from the UK's biggest selling astronomy magazine
Latest book from The Binocular Sky (Click on the image for more information) Excerpts from Steve Tonkin's Binocular Astronomy talk (Taken impromptu on a cheap point-and-shoot camera, so quality leaves a lot to be desired!) Steve Tonkin explains why Binoculars are so good for Astronomy (...
Astronomy tests two all-sky camerasThe article reviews all-sky cameras for astronomical photography, including Moonglow Technologies' All Sky Cam and the company Orion Telescopes and Binoculars' StarShoot AllSky Camera.Trusock, TomAstronomy
Top 10 Objects for Binoculars and Small Telescopes Moon Jupiter– Planet Saturn– Planet Mizar & Alcor– Multiple Star System Albireo– Beautiful Double Star Orion Nebula, M42 – Nebula Andromeda Galaxy, M31 – Spiral Galaxy Hercules Cluster, M13 – Globular Cluster ...
I fired up a gas space heater kicked back in my chair with coffee for 3 hours. I did not even the fire up the scope. I sat there with a pair of binoculars scanning the Eastern sky from horizon to zenith. I could see things I had never seen before. Can’t do that in a slit ...
Its integrated magnitude is about +5.9 and it has an apparent diameter of 24'. It is just visible to the naked-eye from dark sites, is easily seen through binoculars and is a spectacular sight through telescopes.Telescopes and Binoculars for Astronomy...
How to sharpen your eyesight for astronomy How to stargaze with binoculars To get the best out of viewing faint objects use a technique called averted vision, where you don’t look directly at the object and instead use the periphery of the eye’s retina, which is more sensitive to dim li...
“Telescopius helps you plan your visual astronomy or astrophotography sessions with a most varied set of tools – everything for free. Find targets for your big or small (telescope, binoculars or just naked eye astronomy), save your frequent locations and set a custom horizon (trees, buildings...