Among the misperceptions about skunked beer is that it takes a long time for a beer to get skunked, when in fact the reaction can happen fairly rapidly. So your best bet, especially if you’re drinking out of a green or clear glass bottle, is to keep your beer out of the sun....
skunked Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Idioms,Encyclopedia. (skŭnkt) adj. 1.Likely to be misunderstood, disputed, or disapproved of. Used especially of words. 2.SlangInebriated or intoxicated. 3.SlangTainted in flavor, especially by prolonged exposure to light. Used of beer. ...
Skunked beer pitchReports on Arnold Communications' withdrawal from the pitch for Boston Beer Co.'s advertising account. Remaining finalists.Warner, JudyAdweek Eastern Edition
An adjective describing beer that has been ruined by exposure to light. So called because it has the unmistakeable odor of a skunk. The odor is caused w...