Skullcandy Jib+ Active Sport Earbuds 蓝牙耳机是一款结合了入耳式与颈挂式设计的时尚耳机,采用珊瑚红配色,极具视觉冲击力。这款耳机采用了高质量材料制造,佩戴时几乎不会感到任何不适,即使长时间使用也不会出现压迫感。内置的大容量电池确保了长达8小时的播放时间,满足了用户在旅行或户外活动时对音...
总之,Skullcandy Jib+ Active Sport Earbuds 入耳式颈挂式蓝牙耳机 海军蓝不仅是一款时尚的配饰,更是提升生活质量的小助手。无论你是音乐爱好者还是运动达人,这款耳机都将是你不可或缺的好伙伴。
Explore a world of lifestyle products, including the Jib™ True Wireless Earbuds (S2JTW). Purchase with miles or a combination of miles plus cash. Shop now.
Microphone Included YSkullcandy Jib True Wireless Bluetooth in-ear Headphones in Blue -Suzicca True Wireless Headphones with Charging Case, White, A6S pro YJBL Endurance Peak 3 Dust and Waterproof True Wireless Active Earbuds (Black) -Skullcandy Sesh Evo True Wireless Earbuds - Bluetooth in-Ear ...
Skullcandy Jib™ Wired Earbuds let you manage calls and music thanks to an inline microphone and remote with call, track, and volume controls. Quality ear gels create a noise isolating fit so your music stays in, and everything else stays out. Jib™ Wired Earbuds has en...
在价格方面,这款耳机也非常亲民,起售价仅为219元,相比其他品牌的耳机具有明显的价格优势。同时,它还配备了蓝牙功能,使用起来极为便捷。如果你正在寻找一款功能强大、设计时尚且价格实惠的耳机,那么Skullcandy Jib+ Active Sport Earbuds 海军蓝无疑是一个优秀的选择。无论你追求的是音质、设计还是性价...
Skullcandy Jib+ Active Sport Earbuds是一款备受追捧的耳机,其外观设计时尚,功能实用。这款耳机采用了高品质材料,佩戴时非常舒适,并具备降噪和隔音功能,确保你在忙碌的环境中能够专心聆听音乐。此外,它的续航能力也非常出色,能够持续播放长达8小时,充分满足你的长时间使用需求。在决定购买之前,我们...
Specifications: Material: Ultra-hard shell with soft inner lining Compatibility: Compatible with Skullcandy Jib True 2, Dime 2, Grind Earbuds case and many other wired/wireless headphones Protection: Engineered to withstand drops, impacts, and crushes Storage: Internal mesh pocket for cables and acces...