分享2赞 skullandbones吧 该械臼团 skullandbones育碧的海盗题材游戏《碧海黑帆(Skull and Bones)》(原译名:骷髅与骸骨)是在参考了《刺客信条:黑旗》海战玩法的基础上做的,但在具体玩法上这款游戏还是做出了大量丰富、完善。而具体这款游戏的整体玩法结构很好,以及游戏在E3展上公布的... 分享1赞 skullandbones吧...
Now, as the island slowly fell away, they jutted above the jungle skeletal and grim – the bones of a dying beast, pale and gaunt. This harsh land, which was as much sky as rock, was the domain of only the toughest plants. Low, wind-bludgeoned scrub, cushion-leafed sprigs, and ...