4 The skull base is defined as the portion that is in contact with, and supports, the inferior aspect of the brain and brainstem. It is composed of portions of a variety of different bones, including the occipital bone, temporal bone, sphenoid bone, orbital plates of the frontal bone, ...
Barefoot Samms - Barefoot is one of the few decent people on board but she's too busy and overworked to really care about others. Rum Rations are hitting her hard, she misses the family she'll never see again and she's strugglnig as a rigger. (In my game I'll be rolling a d10 ...
Pterygoid canal: foramen lacerum Sphenopalatine foramen: nasal cavity Pterygomaxillary fissure : infratemporal fossa Greater/lesser palatine foramina: oral cavity *The temporal fossa is also called the pterion: Point of convergence for the temporal, parietal, sphenoid, and frontal bones One of ...
Rum & Bonesis the new pirate-themed board game by Cool Mini Or Not, creators of ‘Zombicide’. Zub had a chance to meet the Cool Mini crew at Gen Con and they talked about the possibility of teaming up in the future. Once they started work on Rum & Bones, they both felt it would...
SK9. Multiple Wormian Bones SK10. Osteolytic Defects of the Skull SK11. Radiodense Mandible Lesions SK1 Basilar Invagination Basilar invagination (or basilar impression) occurs where there is upward migration of the base of the skull. Platybasia is an anthropologic term describing flattening of ...
Loaded on bottles of rum We searched through the sands Risking our lives for treasure And gold in our hands Stealing and whoring Ravaging wenches and wine Alive and we're free Across seven seas The ocean's our kingdom of crime We're the skull and crossbones ...
This section will highlight anatomical landmarks of the cranial skull base and the bones they are a part of. Many of these landmarks are only identifiable when using a scan with a large field of view. Axial The axial figures (Figures 5.1–5.5) start from the superior aspect of the cran...