Ubisoft has said the recently releasedSkull and Boneshas achieved “record player engagement” since launch, although it has yet to announce how many copies it’s sold or how many players it has. In a note to press announcing the pirate game’s first season, Ubisoft s...
Many of the changes players will see in Season 2 are the direct result of the ongoing conversation betweenSkull and Bonesplayers and the people creating the game. “A ton of our in-game improvements have been in direct response to community feedback,” he said. “This i...
This is usually believing that by mixing different steroids, the interaction among them produces an effect on the size of muscles and bones, which is more rather than taking a single form of the drug. This is a theory that can be considered if medically tested. Pyramiding This is another pa...
育碧致力于为每位玩家提供一个包容性的游戏环境,无论您来自我们在全球的哪个社群,都能在享受乐趣的时候,感受到安全和尊重。 如果您发现有玩家违背了了我们的任一行为准则, 请向我们这些玩家。 要在《碧海黑帆》中一名玩家: • 打开"社交"菜单 • 选择“世界”选项卡 ...
Many of the changes players will see in Season 2 are the direct result of the ongoing conversation betweenSkull and Bonesplayers and the people creating the game. “A ton of our in-game improvements have been in direct response to community feedback,” he said. “T...