守住自尊的SKT T1和传统民间战队Najin e-mFire建立了两强的统治地位,经过了激烈的战斗最终分获一二名。备受期待的新战队虎牙也不负众望,获得了第三名,成为了新兴的强者。KT Roster因为Score换路打野之后的优异表现,以及Ssumday的良好发挥成为了并列第三名。 CJ ENTUS很遗憾地排在了第五位。相反,第六位的JIN AIR...
SK Telecom T1 K Country Korea, Republic of Ranking – Matches –/ 45 Win Rate –/ 73% Current streak 4 lose in a row Record win streak 17 wins 11y ago Record lose streak 1 lose 11y ago Earned –/ $1.2M MVP – Subscribe now fans Team statistics No data to show statistics...
守住自尊的SKTT1和传统民间战队Najine-mFire建立了两强的统治地位,经过了激烈的战斗最终分获一二名。备受期待的新战队虎牙也不负众望,获得了第三名,成为了新兴的强者。KTRoster因为Score换路打野之后的优异表现,以及Ssumday的良好发挥成为了并列第三名。 CJENTUS很遗憾地排在了第五位。相反,第六位的JINAIRGreenwing...
They just got the roster of the year! That jungle duo is fucking incredible, solo lanes are as solid as can be and Teddy/Mata, on paper, is ludicrous. I'm so happy for Faker. 天啊笑死我了。他们组建了一个年度最佳阵容!打野二人轮换强无敌,单人线也很猛,下路双人组Teddy和Mata纸面实力贼...
Although he might no longer be the best mid laner in South Korea, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok would be a necessary part of any South Korean roster. Provided by Riot Games Edward Gaming Why EDG Faker should happen Back in early 2016, mid lane trainee Lee "Scout" Ye-chan left SK Telecom T1...
还有T1那一堆破势,2020真是糟糕透顶的一年 [-]EnergetikNA Such a disappointing offseason for EU, Sadge 对于EU来说让人难受的一个休赛期 [-]DimlightHero We will never get to see Caps Yone + PerkZ Yasuo :( 再也没有机会看到Caps的永恩和Perkz的亚索一起了,哎 [-]ceroJP we will if c9 and ...
就算SKT击败了自己在洲际赛的对手,但其他LCK队伍不能取胜的话他们也没法拿到洲际赛冠军。 [–] Virtymlol 19 hours ago Yeah its kinda sad that a lot of people that started playing/following the game in the last couple years just don't realise how absurdly dominant Faker was. 有点悲哀的是,近几...
Jaconman:I'd like to see Clearlove in SK Telecom T1 in next season。 That's the jungler they need to stomp any1 till meta won't adjust to Bengi。 我希望下个夏季赛可以在SKT看见厂长,在Bengi调整好之前他们需要一个能够践踏一切的打野。
https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/skts-2019-roster-is-stacked-but-now-theyll-have-to-overcome-the-super-team-curse SKTT1,坐拥着3个英雄联盟S赛冠军,2个MSI冠军以及4次LCK联赛冠军的世界级战队,已经确立了2019赛季的人员大名单。名单内有9位选手,分别是: ...
SKT T1 has now finished completing their player and coach roster. Having been known as the prominent and successful team of the LCK, SKT T1 has earned the title 'dream team' for a reason. Zefa joining the team and working alongside Coach kkOma, the season of change for SKT T1 has come...