Here are the choices for the Worlds 2023 Champion Skins: Zeus – T1’s top laner has used multiple champions throughout the tournament, but his choice boils down to either Yone or Jayce. Oner – T1’s Jungler only has Lee Sin in his mind for the skin, his signature champion. The ...
The SKT T1 Elise skin has garnered mixed reactions fromLoL players. While many appreciate its intricate design, thematic elements, and color palette, some concerns have been raised regarding the inclusion of the SKT logo on her E ability and comparisons to other skins. ...
SKT冠军皮肤出炉。..1楼 - Faker 蜗壳的瑞兹 真NM丑 能用点心吗?来源: Bengi 我鸡的蜘蛛 人形态+蜘蛛形态
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SKT T1 201..Emerging victorious after an incredible 5-game finals series, the legendary SK telecom T1 raised the