SkStream* FontConfigTypeface::onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex)const{ SkStream* stream =this->getLocalStream();if(stream) {//TODO:fix issue 1176.// As of now open_stream will return a stream and unwind it, but the// SkStream is not thread safe, and if two threads use the stream they// ...
SKStreamSeekable SKStrokeCap SKStrokeJoin SKSurface SKSurfaceProperties SKSurfaceProps SKSurfacePropsFlags SKSurfaceReleaseDelegate SKSvgCanvas SKSwizzle SKTextAlign SKTextBlob SKTextBlobBuilder SKTextEncoding SKTraceMemoryDump SKTransferFunctionBehavior SKTrimPathEffectMode ...
// overridesvirtualSkStream*openStream(){ SkStream* stream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMMAPStream, (fPath.c_str()));// check for failureif(stream->getLength() <=0) { SkDELETE(stream);// maybe MMAP isn't supported. try FILEstream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkFILEStream, (fPath.c_str()));if(stream->getL...
SKRoundRectCorner SKRoundRectType SKRunBuffer SKRuntimeEffect SKRuntimeEffectChildren SKRuntimeEffectUniform SKRuntimeEffectUniforms SKShader SKShaderTileMode SKSize SKSizeI SKStream SKStream プロパティ メソッド SKStreamAsset SKStreamMemory
SKStreamAsset SKStreamMemory SKStreamRewindable SKStreamSeekable SKStrokeCap SKStrokeJoin SKSurface SKSurfaceProperties SKSurfaceProps SKSurfacePropsFlags SKSurfaceReleaseDelegate SKSvgCanvas SKSwizzle SKTextAlign SKTextBlob SKTextBlobBuilder SKTextEncoding ...
SKTypefaceStyle SKVertexMode SKVertices SKWebpEncoderCompression SKWebpEncoderOptions SKWStream SKXmlStreamWriter SKXmlWriter SKZeroInitialized StringUtilities SkiaSharp.Internals 下載PDF 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...
libskstream0.3_7.hint skstream-0.3.9-1bl1.cygport skstream-0.3.9-1bl1.src.patch skstream.hint skyutils sl sleuthkit sloccount smartcardpp snappy snapraid snes9express snmpkit snobol4 snzip soci softhsm sombok soxr spandsp spark spdylay squirrel squish srm ssdeep sshpass sslscan stdair st...
libskstream0.3_6.hint skstream-0.3.8-1bl1.cygport skstream-0.3.8-1bl1.src.patch skstream.hint skyutils sl sloccount smartcardpp snappy snapraid snes9express snmpkit soci softhsm sombok spandsp squirrel squish srm ssdeep sshpass sslscan stdair stratagus streamhtmlparser stress supercat supe...
While inheriting from SkStream class (i implement the read and rewind virtual functions in the derived class) i am getting a compiler error of "no typeinfo for SkStream". resolution: It's difficult to tell from what you have specified. You may wish to take a look athttp://stackoverflow...
Here are the examples of the csharp api classSkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(SkiaSharp.SKStream)taken from open source projects. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. 5 Examples 0 1. Example Project:realm-draw ...