An example GIR system that we address in this paper is a search engine built on top of hundreds of thousands of publicly available GIS databases. Building a search engine over such large repositories is a challenge. One of the key aspects of such a search engine is the performance. In ...
Spatial data represents information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects. These objects can be point locations or more complex objects such as countries/regions, roads, or lakes. SQL Server supports two spatial data types: thegeometrydata type and thegeographydata type. ...
For example, an app may choose to accept all positions when pointing at menus or interacting with world objects. Then, when the user starts painting in the world around them, the app may choose to accept only positions with a High accuracy, to ensure the quality of the painting remains ...
SpatialInteraction objects are not generally meant to be interpreted directly. Instead, you should target the interaction to a particular hologram based on the SpatialPointerPose from the InteractionDetected event arguments. You can then route recognition of this interaction to that hologram's SpatialGes...
Target of interest comprising the steps of: A method for enhancing objects of interest sequence of noisy images (11), to acquire a sequence of images (11), in the context of the image (11) sequence with an image reference and extracting a (61,62,71,72) features associated with the obje...
Consequently, the study of spacial keyword search that explores each location and matter description of the objects has attracted nice attention from the business organizations and analysis communities. Within the paper, we have a tendency to study 2 basic issues within the spacial keyword queries: ...
Represents a snapshot of the state of a spatial interaction source (hand, motion controller, or speech) at a given time.
životnom cykle produktov od spoločnosti Microsoft
The client has a limit of the maximum number of dynamic spatial audio objects that can be activated at one time. When the capacity of the audio rendering pipeline changes, the system will dynamically adjust the maximum number of concurrent dynamic spatial audio objects. ...
ISpatialAudioObjectRenderStreamForMetadata::EndUpdatingAudioObjects method (Windows) CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB structure (Windows) DSSPRIVKEY_VER3 structure (Windows) IControlMarkup::GetId method (Windows) IDefViewSafety::IsSafePage method (Windows) IEnumSyncSchedules::Reset method (Windows) operator = operato...