求助skse pl..没有装整合包、从N网L网上下了一堆实验室的东西、一直提示DLL冲突、进游戏后模组里点安装也没反应。大佬们赶紧给看下这是啥毛病、咋修复呢?
I did not knew that i had to start the game with skse64_loader.exe, it's working perfectly fine now, thanks ! nicoooootineaddicteddddddd member 0 kudos 14 December 2024, 10:01AM skse plugin loadera dll plugin has failed to load correctly. it is asking for me to update my game...
skse plugi..大佬们第一次接触mod整了个整合包但是后面运行的时候总是会弹出这个东西,DLL也重新修复了,还是如此怎么办哦点否之后就弹出这个窗
skse plugi..我觉得要不你下个烧鸡整合或者轮回整合看下,这些整合把MOD标的详细一些。你看下别人装的前置文件,一般都是现在必装的。像skyUI,morehud那些,高跟音效,骨骼,补丁。
It keeps saying "A DLL plugin has failed to load correctly. If a new version of Skyrim was just released, the plugin needs to be updated. Please check the mod's webpage for updates.EngineFixes.dll: couldn't load a plugin (0000007E)Does anyone what this means and/or how to fix it ...
Steam updated Skyrim again, downloaded new SKSE ((runtime 1.6.353), but Skyrim fails to launch, gives this issue when launching via SKSE: SKSE plugin loaderskee64.dll: disabled, uncompatible with current runtime version EDIT: apparently skee64.dll refers
求助,求助,skse..Address Library的版本和游戏版本不匹配,要是下载了别人带本体的整合包那就用里面的本体,要是整合包是为1.5.97制作的,而自己使用1.6.640客户端就这样,或者使用降级补丁把客户端降回
求助,SKSE明明是匹配的为什么还是报 plugin loader? 只看楼主收藏回复 sheldon朋克 白色空魂 1 有没有大神解释一下,steam版的,买了10周年DLC,装了个成就补丁 送TA礼物 1楼2023-07-01 19:42回复 stay维斯蜜 白色空魂 1 是成就补丁不兼容,而不是skse本身不兼容。要成就请装SSE Engine Fixes 2楼2023...