iPad iPhone 简介 Mesk Schools aims to help parents to educate their children in smart and fun ways and also provides remote education and writing reports. App 隐私 开发者“Amr Zakaria Abdallah Gaballah”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。
South Park High School would team up with SolarCity. A new life sciences high school would open...Rey, Jay
Program Microsoft Showcase School je program na transformáciu školy a globálnou komunitou priekopníckych škôl po celom svete. Program je príležitosťou pre zapojenie spoločnosti Microsoft, získanie podpory od miestnych partnerov globálneho vzdelávania a zapojenie rovnako zm...
Školenie Produkty Cesty k budovaniu kariéry Prehľadávať všetky školenia Centrum pre učiteľov Centrum pre študentov Najčastejšie otázky a pomocník 1% Časti tejto témy môžu byť preložené pomocou strojového alebo AI prekladu. ...
This study is carried out to identify the pattern of social interaction among students of various ethnicities in National Secondary Schools in Malaysia. The study sample consists of 720 students from form 1, 2, and 4. A questionnaire containing items of language and ethnic boundary was applied ...
There's no shortage of advice for would-be business leaders; lorryloads of books have been written on the subject of leadership in all its forms. Management gurus navigate the lecture circuit, armed with PowerPoint presentations promising to unlock the secrets of boardroom success.Harvey, Kathy...
ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING CLOTHING MAINTENANCE SKILLS OF BOARDING STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGER STATEThis study examines the strategies for improving clothing maintenance skills of boarding students in Niger State. A structured qu...
Mustafa, M., & Othman, N. (2010). The Effect of Work Motivation on Teacher's Work Performance in Pekanbaru Senior High Schools, Riau Province, Indonesia. Sosiohumanika, 3(2), 259-272.Mustafa, M., & Othman, N. (2010). The Effect of Work Motivation on Teacher`s Work Performance in...
Knotty topology, chirality, and sustainability: interdisciplinary learning at WPI-SKCM schools in JapanY. YuanJ. LeeA. KumariS. TakanoJ. Tay