答案是再改造一下,在换用大容量弹仓/弹匣的基础上,把半自动的SKS,改造成全自动。 其实,如果换算一下,两秒17发,即每秒钟8.5发,每分钟也就是510发。说实话,这个射速,如果是针对那些能够全自动射击的步枪,实际是有点偏低的,比如我们熟悉的AKM,实际射速就在700发/分左右。 在如今,大部分全自动步枪的射速,都在...
Today we will take a look at two examples, and go over the discreet changes required to make the conversion (the magazine conversion, that is – I unfortunately don’t have a full auto trigger assembly to show you). Share this:
In my opinion the ideal hog rifle is a semi-auto, not a lever action. You can empty the magazine of a semi-auto and your finger never leaves the trigger and your eye never leaves the sight. That is a heck of an advantage when your target is an enraged boar hog headed for you at ...