Skeptical Science(a nonprofit educational site) is also a reliable repository of fact-based responses to commonskepticnonsense. Here’s their entry on “what 1970s science said about global cooling.” (Which, according to them, is the No. 7most-cited piece ofclimateskepticmythology.) ... — Twilio STUN— Hub to translate and route events to other third party services. 100,000 events/month free— Expose locally running servers over a tunnel to a public URL— RabbitMQ as a Service. Little Lemu...
The RAK Hospital has several insurance partners across the UAE such as Abu Dhabi National Insurance Co.(ADNIC), Aetna Global Benefits, Al Buhaira, Al Khazna, Al Madallah, Amity, AXA Gulf BSC, Inayah and other leading insurance companies. The hospital also accepts Homat Al Watan cards and of...