屡获插画奖项殊荣,作品曾获包豪斯奖国际设计大赛专业组银奖、第二届青铜葵花图画书奖银奖及天马行空奖、CIB 文物遇见插画—全国博物馆文物主题插画大赛金奖,入选葡萄牙 ILUSTRARTE 2018 国际插画大赛、英国 The Basford Prize 2018、英国世界插画大赛 World Illustration Awards(WIA)短名单、韩国 Nami Concours 2021 短名...
sathyaJune 27, 2021 at 6:42 PM I have tried this, getting below error:Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.interactions.MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException: move target out of boundsReply Replies Reply ASWINI BALIARSINGHJanuary 4, 2022 at 5:59 PM I am also facing the same timeou...
I’m working on a neighborhood master plan using SketchUp Pro (2018), Google Earth, Google My Maps, QGIS, the City of Detroit Open Data Portal, Loveland Technologies, etc. I’ve spent like 2 days now trying to get a geographically to-scale shape file of all of the parcels in the neig...
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