預計在2023年大改款的Skoda Superb 測試車在歐洲路上被拍到了,重點是在動力部分,會搭載集團內的末代汽柴油引擎,因為集團內全部都要面臨電動化的到來!所以要入手內燃機引擎的車迷們,剩沒幾年可以買了!最大的改變還包含了內裝採用了一個Superb有史以來最大尺吋的數位螢幕,估計會是13吋的觸控螢幕,內建的影音系統...
The next-gen Skoda Superb will debut in the second half of 2023. The Czech brand is now giving the new model hot-weather testing in Southern Europe.
Skoda设计总监Petr Matusinec日前接受媒体采访时透露了Skoda最新家族设计语汇的概念,并展示了草稿图。即将于明(2023)年问世的新世代Superb将率先采用;虽然该车的车内布局尚未公布,但外界预测会与旗下电动车Enyaq iV相去不远。 第四代SkodaSuperb设计草图。车头电动车Enyaq iV十分相似,房车的C柱变得相当细,旅行车的轴...
▲根据外媒报导,Skoda已在进行全新大改款Superb的相关测试开发作业,图为现行车型。 在Octavia陆续在海外市场开出不俗销售红盘后,Skoda自然不会忘记品牌旗舰车款Superb的存在;根据外媒报道,这间捷克车厂已着手进行大改款Superb的后续开发测试作业;倘若以早先为人所捕获的伪装测试车来看,全新大改款Superb本次不仅内外...
Superb comes with the octagonal Skoda grille, the Skoda logo on the bonnet and the front apron's trim strips finished in Unique Dark Chrome. Thanks to a number of small tweaks... Skoda Superb 2020 The revised Skoda Superb also comes with new decorative trims for the centre console and ...
Skoda Superb – Spring 2024 The Skoda Superb is a frequent winner at the annualWhat Car? Car of the Year Awards, majoring on offering masses of space for both people and luggage, and a comfortable ride that’s well suited to covering big miles on the motorway. For this fourth-generation...
El Skoda Superb Sportline nos ha robado el corazón El Skoda Superb estrena generación con esta oferta Skoda Kodiaq 2024: Más moderno, sólido y espacioso El Skoda Epiq muestra sus primeras imágenes Al volante del Octavia RS Plus: ¡qué divertido es!
スロバキアのブラチスラバ(Bratislava)工場では2023年末にDセグメントハッチバッククーペの新型「シュペルブ(Superb)」 の生産を開始し、2024年は5万4,500台を生産した。シュコダはで「シュペルブ」とVW「パサート(Passat)」のBeta+プロジェクト(開発協力)を主導した。 インドの2工場では2024...
Skoda has pulled the covers off the all-new fourth-generation Superb, and has confirmed it'll be offered in both hatch and estate body styles. Sorry, Doctor Who, looks like you might have to park the Tardis. Because an already gargantuan car has gotten even bigger. Skoda claims this...