Skoda offre à l’Enyaq une finition haut de gamme Laurin & Klement, qui gagne en raffinement mais aussi en performance grâce à un moteur plus puissant et une nouvelle batterie.
was the only electric model from Skoda’s main plant in Mlada Boleslav. This has now changed, as Skoda’s second MEB model, the Elroq, has also been built there for around a month. In addition to the Enyaq and Elroq, the Octavia saloon and the corresponding estate also ...
2025 Skoda Enyaq Puts On A New Modern Solid Face Spy photographers have caught the facelifted Enyaq ahead of its debut next year May 26, 2024 at 07:37 FUTURE CARS New Skoda Elroq: What We Know About The Karoq’s EV Successor Skoda’s EV family is set to grow with another MEB-based...
斯柯达赛车(Skoda Motorsport)借鉴了其世界拉力锦标赛 Rally2 赛车的灵感和技术,推出了全新电动概念赛车 Enyaq RS Race。报道中获悉,Enyaq RS Race 基于公路版 Enyaq SUV,于 2023 年开始研发,目标实现和 Fabia RS Rally2 相匹配的操控性能。动力方面,Enyaq RS Race 配备 2 台电机和 82 kWh 电池,最高可以产生 ...
SKODA Enyaq RS Race概念车,由品牌赛车部门精心设计制造,与普通Enyaq相比,更凸显出其低矮、宽阔、轻盈的运动特性。车身板件采用生物复合材料,融入亚麻纤维,轻盈且耐用。车窗则选用轻量化聚碳酸酯树脂玻璃,进一步提升整车轻量化水平。这使得SKODA Enyaq RS Race概念车相较于标准Enyaq,减重高达300kg,而其总重量也...
Twinned with the ID.4 and ID.5 from the Volkswagen brand, the facelifted Skoda Enyaq and Enyaq Coupe have recently entered series production. The Czech automaker assembles them at its main plant in Mlada Boleslav, where Skoda also produces the slightly more compact Elroq cross...
The Enyaq iV 60 has a 58kWh battery and the pricier 80-badged models have a 77kWh battery (net). Everything without an x in its name is a single motor, rear-wheel drive car, while the 80x has a more powerful dual motor set-up and four-wheel drive. You’re looking at between ...
Skoda Enyaq Facelift Skoda Elroq Photo by: Skoda Skoda Elroq (2025) It is probably one of the most eagerly awaited electric SUVs, not only among those designed by the Volkswagen Group, but in the entire C-segment. At 4.49 m long and offered with a base price of £31,500, theElroq...
Skoda Enyaq是品牌首款的純電車型,今天嘉偉哥為大家試駕的車型是頂規四驅的Enyaq Coupe RS。它的電池容量82kWh(可使用為77kWh)、WLTP:548公里。車型售價分別為 Enyaq 85(163.8 萬元)、Enyaq Coupe 85(171.8 萬元)和 Enyaq Coupe RS(198.8 萬元)。
SKODA NewEnyaq 斯柯达ENYAQ电车体验分享🔋✨ 最近入手了斯柯达ENYAQ电车,驾驶感受真是太棒了! 🔋续航方面,日常通勤或周末出游,都不用担心电量问题。开空调的情况下,续航依然给力。电耗表现也很出色,无论是市区还是高速,都很经济实惠。 🚗空间方面,车内宽敞,坐三个大人一个小孩也毫无压力。后备箱空间也很实用...