fromsklearn.feature_extraction.textimportTfidfTransformerfromsklearn.feature_extraction.textimportCountVectorizer corpus=["stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away","and yellow leaves of autumn which have no ongs flutter and fall there with a sign","it is the tears of the...
s k learn 可以用于实现 t f i d f 的计算,它将输出一个矩阵格式的结果。t f i d f 的计算需要使用一个背景语料库进行模型训练,并生成词频矩阵。s k learn 提供了 t f i d f transformer 类来进行计算,并返回一个字典 i d 的结果。阅读和理解这个结果相对较困难。