Blue eyes like sapphire, green eyes like emerald. Kitten is very greedy, and sometimes a pound of heavy fish soon "destroy" the. Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. Kitten jumped on the table, relish eating up. When I was eating, it was found by me, so I taught him a ...
From: "Religion of the X-Men" forum discussion, started 15 May 2005 on the Comic Book Resources website (; viewed 13 June 2006): Emerald Ghost 05-15-2005, 05:56 PM Do you ever wonder what religion an X-Man is? I...
In celebration of the Olympics, streetwear giant Kith has announced a forthcoming drop of a USA-inspired collection, which is scheduled to drop on July 30. Beginning July 24, the capsule—which will include men’s, women’s, and children’s wear—will be teased on the brand’s social med...