In this paper, an end-to-end skip-connected network is introduced to improve the accuracy of retrieval by directly addressing the above problems. In more detail, skip-connections are employed to combine the multi-resolution feature maps produced by a pre-trained backbone network, which provides ...
To tackle the problem, we introduce an accurate segmentation method for volumetric infant brain MRI built upon a densely connected network that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy. Specifically, we carefully design a fully convolutional densely connected network with skip connections such that the ...
Our proposed approach employs an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network with skip connections to thoroughly capture the multi-scale distribution of the normal data distribution in high-dimensional image space. Furthermore, utilizing an adversarial training scheme for this chosen architecture provides ...
Whenever the customer enters the super- store, their phone connects to a secure, encrypted wireless network. The customer just has to find the QR code displayed near the entrance, wait for the "OK" and begin shopping. The QR code is used to login to the store's system, using the ...
Then, the discriminator network learns to differentiate ground-truth maps from the probability maps of generator network. We design a discriminator in a fully convolutional manner to differentiate the predicted probability maps from the ground-truth segmentation distribution with the consideration of the ...
To address these problems, in this paper, we propose a lightweight skip-connected expansion Inception network called SEINet. To capture characteristics at a more granular level, we create a new lightweight backbone network with fewer parameters based on the existing network architecture. Additionally...
Multi-column networkSkip connectionFinding local invariant patterns in handwrit-ten characters and/or digits for optical character recognition is a difficult task. Variations in writing styles from one person to another make this task challenging. We have proposed a non-explicit feature extraction ...
A Skip-connected Multi-column Network for Isolated Handwritten Bangla Character and Digit recognitionAnimesh SinghMahantapas KunduMita NasipuriNibaran DasRitesh Sarkhel
Image inpainting is an interesting technique in computer vision and artificial intelligence for plausibly filling in blank areas of an image by referring to their surrounding areas. Although its performance has been improved significantly using diverse convolutional neural network (CNN)-based models, these...
Although its performance has been improved significantly using diverse convolutional neural network (CNN)-based models, these models have difficulty filling in some erased areas due to the kernel size of the CNN. If the kernel size is too narrow for the blank area, the models...