然后程序会打开 PowerShell 并显示“Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update [Installed]”。IT之家提醒,如果你之后想重新启用 TPM 检查再次运行即可。完成后,如果您现处于 Insider Program 中,Windows 将自动开始下载 Windows 11 并安装。如果您已经安装了 Windows 11 但无法接收更新,则系统会下载更新。此外,如果您...
martinmara/windows11TPMPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork8 Star7 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Breadcrumbs windows11TPM / Latest commit martinmara ...
Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd(AveYo 2023.12.07 V13) https://github.com/AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat/tree/main/bypass11 下载地址: https://github.com/AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat/blob/main/bypass11/Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update_V13.7z (2.61 ...
通过跳过TPM检测,系统可以在升级后保持稳定性和兼容性,提升用户对Windows 11的使用体验。 该软件工具包括一个用于跳过各种检测的脚本制作工具——Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update.cmd。使用这个脚本制作工具,用户可以轻松绕过硬件配置的限制检测,而无需修改任何DLL文件。 此外,该脚本制作工具还兼容未来版本的Windows ...
Universal MCT wrapper script for all Windows 10/11 versions from 1507 to 21H2! - MediaCreationTool.bat/bypass11/Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd at main · AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat
Execute function one time in every 10 mins in windows powershell Execute multiple cmd scripts simultaneously from one powershell script Execute Multiple Powershell Scripts Simultaneously Execute script against multiple servers in parallel Execute SOAP in Powershell ExecuteNonQuery with Connection and Command...
BitLocker with TPM - Doesn't Ask For Boot Time Password Bitlocker won't turn on BITS jobs not being cleaned up Black Horizontal Bar Across Bottom of Screen on Windows 10 Black Screen Explorer.exe crash with Roaming Profiles. When roaming from 1803 to 1709. black square display corruption at...
integrity sha512-jhuKLIRrhvCPLqwPcx6INqmKeiA5EWrsCOPhrlFSrbrmU4ZMPjj5Ul/oLCMDO98XRUIwVm78xICz4EPCektzeQ== "@types/mockjs@^1.0.4": version "1.0.6" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/@types/mockjs/-/mockjs-1.0.6.tgz#dafdd5de65156f7aa63eab4e29fa3d532cd95609" integrity...
此工具包含两个部分,一是用于创建 Windows ISO 镜像的"MediaCreationTool.bat"脚本,此外还有一个名为"Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd"的脚本,该脚本可帮助设备绕过硬件兼容性检查。 根据描述,该工具将通过 winpeshl.ini 文件在媒体启动和动态更新时跳过 TPM 检查。当执行时,该脚本在注册表的“HKEY_LOCAL_...
Skip TPM Check(win11升级硬件限制跳过) 维护了一个用于跳过各种检测的脚本 Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update.cmd 可以跳过硬件限制检测,无需修改 DLL 文件。 脚本也支持后续版本包括 Win11 Canary 或者秋季的 Windows 11 23H2 版安装或升级。 软件特色 ...