To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope. To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson. They who have a mind to see the issue may skip these two chapters. To cause to skip; as, to skip a stone. ...
The problem may involve skipping syllables or significant letters or dropping word endings. Yaan xan máakoʼobeʼ maʼatech u láaj beetkoʼob u juum le silabaʼoboʼ. jw2019 Beware of inserting, skipping over, or substituting words. Maʼ a luʼsik mix a woksik uláak...
c. 1300,skippen, "spring lightly; go with a leap or bound; take light, dancing steps," also "jump over," probably from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norseskopa"to take a run," from Proto-Germanic*skupan(source also of Old Swedishskuppa, dialectal Swedishskimpa,skopa"to skip, ...
Fig.: To leave matters unnoticed, as in reading, speaking, or writing; to pass by, or overlook, portions of a thing; - often followed by over. To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope. To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to...
Even over the boiling water blanch we didn’t talk as much, I must’ve been a mystery to her, awkward and moody. I have a Ball Blue Book, ordered fresh off the internet, but I’ve never used it, why bother? It’s hard to can alone, ...
For example, “Codeine” is transliterated as “Kedaiyin” in Chinese. Words with more syllables are transliterated in an abbreviated way. For example, “Amitriptyline” is transliterated as “Amitilin” in Chinese. The transliterated characters are fluent and easy to read, making the recognition ...