/skin <skinname> - 设置你的皮肤。/skin url <skin.png url> [steve / slim] - 从 .png url 设置皮肤/skin update - 更新您当前的皮肤。/skin clear - 清除你的皮肤。/skins - GUI管理命令:/skin set <playername> <skinname> - 设置玩家的皮肤。/skin clear <玩家> - 清除玩家的皮肤。/skin u...
/sr createcustom <name> <skin.png url> - 定义一个可用的自定义皮肤。 /sr reload - 重新加载配置和语言环境。 /sr props <玩家名> - 返回玩家的属性。 /sr status - 检查插件状态。 附加权限: skinsrestorer。bypasscooldown -> 绕过 skinscooldown 配置 skinsrestorer。绕过禁用 -> 插件下载 适用版本 ...
You can now favourite skins as a player and have SkinsRestorer store them for you. You can either favourite your current skin by doing/skin favouriteor by shift + left clicking a skin in the GUI. New GUI menu with an overview page that lets you select subpages Skin Menu subpage: The n...
"skinsrestorer.permission_admincommand_createcustom": "允許訪問以通過URL創建自定義全域皮膚。", "skinsrestorer.help_skin": "變更你自己的外觀。", "skinsrestorer.help_skins": "開啟外觀 GUI。", "skinsrestorer.help_sr": "SkinsRestorer 的管理員指令。", "skinsrestorer.help_skin_help": "顯示這個說明指令...
Allow to set url skin for other players from console type: 💡 enhancement #1823 opened Oct 9, 2024 by chelminski 1 task done The skins menu cannot be used in the Velocity sub-server. type: 🐛 bug #1819 opened Oct 5, 2024 by Noogear 2 tasks done 1.21.1 GameProfile error ty...
Using the plugin is pretty straightforward. There are only a handful of commands to change your skin along with a useful GUI that will show all of the different skins that have been used on the server since the plugin was installed. Here is a full list of commands along with examples of...
skins.slice(0, 6), function (key, val) { skinid = val.url.match(/\w+$/); $('#skinlist').append(''); }); }); }function skin
createcustom <name> <skin.png url> - 定义一个可用的自定义皮肤。 reload - 重新加载配置和语言环境。 props <玩家名> - 返回玩家的属性。 status - 检查插件状态。 附加权限: skinsrestorer。bypasscooldown -> 绕过 skinscooldown 配置 skinsrestorer。绕过禁用 -> 附件下载 售价:0 土豆币 附件1 文件...
皮肤显示(SkinsRestore)这款插件是可以让玩家实现自定义显示自己的皮肤,您可以上传您自己的自定义 .png 皮肤以获得一个独特的 .skin 文件,您可以将其放入您的皮肤文件夹中。 插件特点能够在服务器上恢复/更改皮肤!(离线和在线模式)玩家命令:/skin - 主命令。/skin <skinname> - 设置你的皮肤。/skin url <ski...