Now, I’m going to point out right now that you can level past 300 in the Old World as you can also level from 350 up in WOTLK, so if you want to stay in Old World or go to Northrend around 350, have at it. Just remember you will have to go to the skinning trainer to ...
For horde, the Barrens is a great place to level Skinning from 60 to level 125. Horde need to actually go to 125 here instead of stopping at 110. This allows you to skin the wolves in Ashenvale. You can also hit your trainer before going to Ashenvale, which is nice. So use this ...
This is the beginning section of this guide for the Alliance. Keep in mind you will have to revisit the skinning trainer in order to increase your max skill past 75 and again at 150 in order to make it to 180 in this section. Horde Skinning (Leveling 1-180) This is the beginning sec...