Skindex‐29 量表哥伦比亚版的构念效度和反应性Summary 在三十年之前,人们对疾病和治疗对患者日常生活的影响了解很少.最近,由于国际科学合作的增多,尤其是患者报告结果 (PRO) 和生活质量 (QOL) 量表已成为根据患者观点评估任何药物的疗效的重要工具.但由于大多数 QOL 量表以英语开发,使其适用于不同文化并同时确保原始...
SearchKit Assembly: Xamarin.Mac.dll C#Kopiraj publicclassSKIndex:IDisposable,ObjCRuntime.INativeObject Properties Proširi tabelu Methods Applies to ProizvodVerzije Xamarin.Mac SDK14 U ovom članku Definition Properties Methods Applies to
SKIndex Propiedades Métodos SKIndexType SKSearch SKSearchOptions SKSummary SKTextAnalysis SKTextAnalysisKeys Seguridad Redes sociales SpriteKit StoreKit Sistema System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount VideoToolbox Visión WebKitLearn...
The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to investigate patient experiences associated with CLE, 2) to investigate the impact of living with CLE on patients' lives, 3) to evaluate the content validity of the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Skindex-29+3 PRO ...
Proširi tabelu AddDocument(SKDocument, String, Boolean) AddDocumentWithText(SKDocument, String, Boolean) Close() Compact() CreateWithMutableData(NSMutableData, String, SKIndexType, SKTextAnalysis) CreateWithUrl(NSUrl, String, SKIndexType, SKTextAnalysis) Dispose() Dispose(Boolean) ...
SKIndex Proprietà Metodi SKIndexType SKSearch SKSearchOptions SKSummary SKTextAnalysis SKTextAnalysisKeys Sicurezza Social network SpriteKit StoreKit Sistema System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount VideoToolbox Visione WebKitLearn...
SKIndex Propiedades Métodos SKIndexType SKSearch SKSearchOptions SKSummary SKTextAnalysis SKTextAnalysisKeys Seguridad Redes sociales SpriteKit StoreKit Sistema System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount VideoToolbox Visión WebKitLearn...
publicclassSKIndex:IDisposable,ObjCRuntime.INativeObject Herencia Object SKIndex Propiedades Expandir tabla Métodos Expandir tabla Se aplica a ProductoVersiones Xamarin.Mac SDK14 En este artículo Definición Propiedades Métodos Se aplica a
public class SKIndex : IDisposable, ObjCRuntime.INativeObjectInheritance Object SKIndex Implements INativeObject IDisposable Properties Proširi tablicu AnalysisProperties DocumentCount Handle MaximumBytesBeforeFlush MaximumDocumentID MaximumTermID Methods...